Le même jour, Tipoulet mettait ses doigts dans la bouche d'AM...
Le même Tipoulet que sa mère avait décidé de ne pas vacciner contre la varicelle trois semaines plus tôt, au rendez-vous des 1 an...
Bah oui, pourquoi le vacciner contre une maladie bénigne, alors qu'on ne sait pas si le vaccin n'augmente pas le risque de zona plus tard, et dans un pays où la plupart des enfants sont vaccinés de toute façon, donc où il y a relativement peu de chances qu'il soit même exposé à la varicelle? Tout cela était d'une logique imparrable... Bref, le mecredi suivant, une fois le diagnostic d'AM établi, on a pris un rendez-vous fissa chez la pédiatre pour la vaccination. Qui est censée être encore efficace dans les 3 à 5 jours suivant l'exposition. Parce que ça aurait quand même été pas très cool que Tipoulet expose N, son pote de garderie, à la varicelle à son tour.
3 semaines plus tard (le temps d'incubation), on scrutait un peu nerveusement le Tipoulet sous toutes les coutures. Deux enfants de la garderie d'AM ont déclaré la varicelle il y a 10 jours. Mais le seul bouton un peu louche qu'on ait vu était celui-ci:

Donc, là, c'est sûr, Tipoulet a gagné le match. Il a pas une tête de vainqueur, notre loulou?
Exactly 4 weeks ago, AM had her first pimple from chickenpox.
The same day, Tipoulet stuck his fingers into AM's mouth ...
The same Tipoulet whose mother had decided not to vaccinate against chickenpox three weeks earlier, at the 1-year well-baby appointment...
Because, why vaccinate against a benign disease, while we do not know if the vaccine might increase the risk for shingles later in life, and in a country where most children are vaccinated anyway, so where it is relatively unlikely to even be exposed to chickenpox? All this was SO logical... But of course, the following Wednesday, after we heard about AM's diagnosis, we rushed to make a pediatrician appointment to vaccinate him. Since it is supposed to be effective within 3 to 5 days after exposure. And because it would have been very not cool to now expose Tipoulet's buddy, N.
3 weeks later (the incubation time), we were checking every inch of Tipoulet, a bit nervously. Two children from AM's daycare went down with chickenpox 10 days ago. But the only pimple that looked slightly suspicious was this one:
So yes, for sure, Tipoulet bit the chickenpox. Doesn't he totally look like a winner, our little pumpkin?
The same day, Tipoulet stuck his fingers into AM's mouth ...
The same Tipoulet whose mother had decided not to vaccinate against chickenpox three weeks earlier, at the 1-year well-baby appointment...
Because, why vaccinate against a benign disease, while we do not know if the vaccine might increase the risk for shingles later in life, and in a country where most children are vaccinated anyway, so where it is relatively unlikely to even be exposed to chickenpox? All this was SO logical... But of course, the following Wednesday, after we heard about AM's diagnosis, we rushed to make a pediatrician appointment to vaccinate him. Since it is supposed to be effective within 3 to 5 days after exposure. And because it would have been very not cool to now expose Tipoulet's buddy, N.
3 weeks later (the incubation time), we were checking every inch of Tipoulet, a bit nervously. Two children from AM's daycare went down with chickenpox 10 days ago. But the only pimple that looked slightly suspicious was this one:
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