J'ai appelé la clinique de notre pédiatre, et l'infimière (ils ont des infirmières dont le job est de répondre aux questions des parents au téléphone) que j'ai eue m'a dit que selon son bouquin, les symptômes de rhume ne sont pas associés aux poussées dentaires, mais qu'en tant que Maman, elle pense que c'est sans doute lié...
Heureusement que les bébés n'ont que 20 dents, ça n'en laisse *que* 11 à sortir... Et puis, ça ne l'a pas empéché de s'amuser comme un fou à la piscine hier!
Tipoulet has a cold again. In fact, we think it's his molars coming out. He has a runny nose, is a bit grumpy, bites and shouted yesterday when going to bed. And, Tipoulet never yells when going to bed. He usually dives into the bed, filled with happiness of going to sleep. Seriously.
I called our pediatrician's clinic, and the nurse (they have nurses whose job is to answer parents' phone calls) I talked to told me that according to her book, cold symptoms are not associated with teething, but as a Mom, she thinks it is probably related...
Fortunately, babies have only 20 teeth, which leaves *only* 11 to go... And despite all this, Tipoulet had lots of fun at the pool yesterday!
Tipoulet est dans son élément comme un vrai petit canard !