Sunday, January 17, 2010


Tipoulet devait avoir son rappel contre la grippe H1N1 aujourd'hui. Et comme notre clinique vaccinait tous les patients qui souhaitaient recevoir le vaccin (ils ont maintenant largement assez de doses, apparemment), je me disais que j'allais peut-être le faire aussi. Mais je déteste les piqûres, donc c'était pas sûr, d'autant que je pense avoir eu la grippe en question il y a quelques mois...

Sauf qu'en arrivant dans le parking de la clinique, dès qu'il a aperçu la fresque de l'entrée, Tipoulet nous a lancé un très affirmé:

Bah oui, on n'allait pas l'y prendre deux fois... N'écoutant que mes instincts maternels, j'ai donc expliqué à Tipoulet que Maman aussi allait faire "ça pique, et après c'est fini". Ça ne l'a pas totalement empêché de vouloir partir sur le champ, ou de s'agiter quand il a aperçu la seringue, mais au moins, j'ai eu la conscience tranquille ! Et on a tous les deux survécu à l'épreuve. En plus, on a eu un cadeau:

Un sticker ! (Tipoulet appelle indifféremment les autocollants et les pansements "sticker", et on a eu les deux. Il commence aussi à mettre des adjectifs.)

Tipoulet was due for his H1N1 booster today. And since our clinic was vaccinating all patients who wanted to receive the vaccine (they now have plenty of supplies, apparently), I thought I might do it too. But I hate injections, so I was still undecided, especially because I think I got the flu a few months ago ...
Except that as soon as we arrived in the parking lot, with the painted entrance wall in sight, Tipoulet said in a very affirmative voice: [it stings]
Well, yes, he was not going to get tricked twice ... Listening only to my maternal instincts, I told him that Maman also would get a "it stings, and then it's over." It did not totally convince him to not leave immediately, or stopped him from getting nervous when he saw the syringe, but at least I had my conscience clear ! We both survived the shot. And we got a present: a sticker ! (both stickers and band-aids, which we got as well, Tipoulet calls "stickers" for now. On the other hand, he's starting to use adjectives.)

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