J'ai l'air de ne penser qu'à mes jambes, mais pour être honnête, Tipoulet n'a pas été trop gêné par son bras cassé...
Par exemple, il continue à escalader à tout va comme si de rien n'était...
On lui avait même trouvé une balançoire de circonstance dans un des parcs du quartier, mais ça devait avoir l'air trop sûr, ça ne l'a pas intéressé*... Sa soeur, par contre, a adoré!
* Tout ça me rappelle une jolie répartie de Tipoulet, vers l'âge de 3 ans je crois. Lui et ses copains s'amusaient à sauter depuis une souche de bois. "You can do it, don't worry, the ground will catch you!" ("Tu peux le faire, n'aies pas peur, la terre va t'attraper!")
After more than four weeks pulling our two potato sacks - um, chickens - in the bike trailer, we are glad that Tipoulet's cast is (hopefully) coming off tomorrow.
It looks like I only think of my thighs, but to be honest, Tipoulet doesn't seem to be bothered by his broken arm in the slightest...
For example, he continues to climb up everything as if nothing had happened ...
We even found a special swing for him at one of the neighborhood parks, but it must have looked too safe to him, he was not interested at all*... His sister, however, loved it!
It looks like I only think of my thighs, but to be honest, Tipoulet doesn't seem to be bothered by his broken arm in the slightest...
For example, he continues to climb up everything as if nothing had happened ...
We even found a special swing for him at one of the neighborhood parks, but it must have looked too safe to him, he was not interested at all*... His sister, however, loved it!
* All this reminds me of a sweet quote from Tipoulet, when he was about 3 years old. He and his friends were jumping off a tree stump. "You can do it, don't worry, the ground will catch you!"