Friday, November 14, 2014

The reader

Ça fait maintenant plusieurs mois que Tipoulet sait lire, et je suis hyper fière et tout et tout, mais vous savez ce qui me fait encore plus plaisir? C'est de le voir commencer à y prendre plaisir. Le surprendre assis dans un coin de sa chambre avec le dernier livre emprunté à la bibliothèque, ou lisant une histoire à sa soeur. C'est juste trop chouette.

Tipoulet has been reading on his own for a few months now, and I'm of course very proud, and all. But you know what makes me even happier? It's to see him start to really enjoy it. To catch him sitting in a corner in his bedroom, absorbed in a book he borrowed from the library, or reading a story to his sister. It's just amazing.

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