Alors que Tipoulet vire tout le temps ses chaussures au parc, là, il avait l'air très embêté d'avoir du sable sous les pieds.
Mais il a fini par s'y faire...
Et même si les grosses vagues et la température de l'eau n'incitent pas à la baignade, il y a des tas de choses à faire à la plage.
Explorer les crevasses.
Escalader les dunes.
Faire des boutures (je précise qu'on a trouvé les fleurs déjà coupées...), comme Mamy D qui avait réussi à faire pousser ces plantes sur ses falaises normandes.
Sauter dans les vagues.

Bref, de quoi bien s'occuper jusqu'au soir, et rentrer crevé...
Last week-end we had a "perfect californian weather". The one we thought we were going to have every week-end when we moved here, because it is the weather we got during our interview, and perhaps also because we watched a little too much "Baywatch"... Great sunshine, 72F, little ornamental clouds. The perfect weather to go to the beach... So, in reality, it doesn't happen every week-end. First of all, in the summer, forget it, with the fog, the beach is always 20 degrees cooler than in Palo Alto. And in the winter, the average temperature is more like 60F... Which isn't that bad, if you ask parisians. At first, Tipoulet seemed really annoyed to have sand on his feet (even though he always takes his shoes off at the park). But he got used to it. And even if the big waves and the cold water don't really scream bathing, there are a lot of things to do at the beach. Explore tide pools. Climb the sand dunes. Make plant cuttings (we found the flowers cut already), like Grandma D who managed to get these plants to grow on her Normandy cliff. Jump in the waves. Enough things to stay busy until dark, and go home exhausted...
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