Foie gras et Sauternes Grand Cru Classé

Canard et légumes rôtis, Madiran - Roasted duck and vegetables, Madiran

Charlotte au chocolat et aux poires - Chocolate and pear Charlotte

Montagne de cadeaux pour Tipoulet - Mountain of presents for Tipoulet
Joyeux Noël à tous !

We were very reasonable with the menu last night, but not so much for Tipoulet's presents from Santa ("Father Christmas" in french) in the morning... He almost gave up on opening his two last presents ("Papa open the gifts"). It might be that online shopping makes things worse, because you don't really get a sense of all the volume. Let's hope that we'll remember next year...
Merry Christmas to all !
Très sympa ces photos avec une mention spéciale aux deux dernières