Puis je suis arrivée à 16h30 pour l'emmener visiter le "nouveau daycare", celui du campus. J'avais un peu peur qu'il me renvoie dans mes pénates, mais non, il avait l'air plutôt content. Et il s'est éclaté comme un fou là-bas. Comme il faisait très chaud, les instits avaient prévu des jeux d'eau dehors dans le jardin, et donc mon loulou a pataugé pendant 45 min. Et il y a aussi débusqué une boîte de dinosaures en plastique, le bonheur total.
Sans regrets sur le changement de daycare en Octobre, finalement.
Sinon, Tipoulet sait enfin faire du tricycle tout seul. On a trouvé la piste idéale ce week-end, et hop... Maintenant, ça dépote sur le parking des Mormons en face de la maison.

As for his first day at school, Tipoulet spent less than 2 hours at the daycare. And not the most fun 2 hours of his life, unfortunately (well, at the same time, it would be pretty sad). He apparently cried for one hour after P left him there. Fortunately, P picked him up before lunch, and he met with his favorite baby sitter in the afternoon.
Then I arrived at 4:30pm to take him to visit the "new daycare," on campus. I was a little afraid that he was going to have none of it, but instead, he seemed pretty excited. And he had a great time there. Since it was very hot, the teachers had planned waterplay outside in the yard, so my Loulou got soaked for 45 min. And he also found a box of plastic dinosaurs, so that was pretty much heaven.
No regrets about switching daycare in October, after all.
Other piece of news, Tipoulet finally knows how to ride his tricycle alone. We found the ideal track this weekend, and voila ... Now, he's pretty much racing every evening on the parking lot of the Mormon church in front of the house.
Courage Tipoulet ! ton pote Babou aussi a mis quelques jours à s'habituer à ce changement et puis ça s'est bien passé...