Ça vaut pas le carrousel du Trocadéro, mais bon, pour un Tipoulet, ça le fait quand même... Il a voulu y aller ce soir quand je suis rentrée du boulot, et à la remarque "Mais Loulou, c'est loin, le cheval...", il a répondu que Tipoulet "il va courir très vite". Ce qu'il a fait.
There's finally a "carousel" within walking distance of the house. In front of Mollie Stone's, for those who know the neighborhood. It is not like the carousel of the Trocadero, of course, but for a Tipoulet, it is definitely good enough... He wanted to go tonight when I got home from work, and as I told him "But Loulou, the horse is really far ...", he replied that Tipoulet "is going to run very fast." Which he did.
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